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Emily: What do you do at the weekends, Yara?

Yara: My sister and I ____ going to the cinema

Manager: Where's Mr Davidson?

Assistant: Oh, he's ____ London today.

Amirah: Do you like cats?

Chris: No, but there ____ lots of other animals I like.

Andrew: Where ____ Alicia come from?

Martin: I think she's from the United States.

Teacher: Tell me something about your parents, Lucas.

Student: My mother and father ____ both very tall.

Shop Assistant: Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, I'd like to buy ____ trousers.

Mother: Where's that fish I bought? It was on the table.

Daughter: Oh no! The cat ____ it.

Amanda: I like your new sofa.

Fahima: Thanks. It's ____ comfortable than the other one we had.

Alicia: I'm going to the supermarket. Do you want anything?

Peter: Could you get ____ milk, please?

Karina: When do you want to play football?

Aniqa: I ____ to play tomorrow, because I don't need to go to work.

Anna: Have you lived here a long time?

Stefan: Yes, over 40 years. I know ____ of people in this town.

Josef: Why didn't you come to the cinema last week?

Chloe: I wanted to but I couldn't. I ____ studying for that test we had on Monday

Anna: That bird's on the garden table again. I think it's hungry.

Juliana: Yes, look! It ____ eat the bread we put there.

Sophie: How long ____ married?

Ying Yue: Two years. I met my husband when I was working in New York.

David: Have you ____ that new film yet?

Susanna: No, I haven't. We could go on Thursday if you like?

Daughter: Mum, my computer is broken again. I really need a new one.

Mother: I ____ buy one if we had the money, but it's not possible right now.

Mother: ____ you packed your suitcase yet? We're leaving early tomorrow morning.

Son: I'll do it later. It won't take long.

Lucas: Do you play the piano, Natasha?

Natasha: Well, I ____ play when I was younger, but I'm not sure I remember now.

Martina: What did the doctor say about your stomach pains?

Padma: He asked me what I ____ for the last two days.

Daughter: Everyone has arrived apart from Pamela.

Mother: Don't worry, she phoned me this morning and said she ____ be a bit late.

Amanda: It said on the news that the president also owns all the national newspapers.

Andrew: That ____ be right! I don't think that's true

Assistant: That meeting was really difficult. What would you have done if you ____ in my position?

Manager: Oh, I think you managed it very well.

Son: Are you OK, Mum? You don't seem very relaxed.

Mother: I just wish I ____ an aisle seat so that I could get up and walk around more easily.

Chris: I wish I could be with our cousins on a Greek beach while we're revising for our history test.

Alison: Me too! By this time tomorrow they ____

Student: Is it true that it took Bell and Watson ages to invent the telephone?

Teacher: Yes. When they finally succeeded, they ____ on it for about 30 years.

Rachel: This would be a lovely place to sit on a dry day.

Natasha: Yes, I know. I just wish the rain ____

Student: What's today's lesson going to be about?

Teacher: Today we're going to learn about a tribe descendants ____ live in Lima, the capital of Peru

Andrea: Did your town have a good market?

Katie: Yes. When I was young we ____ there every Saturday looking for bargains.

Daughter: Joanna has been really supportive. I'm so lucky to have her as a friend.

Mother: Yes. Just think if you hadn't sat next to her in class at school, you ____ so close now.

Isabella: The flight is fully booked, so I won't be able to go to Barbados next Week

Sofia: If you ____ the ticket sooner, you'd had found a seta.

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